Andre Fong

Verto Health

Jr. QA Automation Developer

In the winter of 2023, I had the great pleasure of starting my first internship at Verto Health, a healthcare tech startup based in Toronto.

Verto's main mission was to bring a modern solution to the outdated world of healthcare that still saw the use of paper files and fax machines (sadly). Throughout the past 8 months, I've become a key part of the QA team and grown attached to Verto's culture and its people.

New hires for Verto, 2023
Group photo of new hires at Verto as of 2023 Jan!

Our growing QA team was in charge of a robust automated test suite that ran against all of Verto's technical solutions. The suite was maintained in Javascript using Cypress and mostly consisted of end-to-end tests, simulating how clients would use our software.

Passing Cypress tests
Example Cypress test passing as intended

Alongside bug reporting, I played a large part in maintaining our existing test suite, ranging from fixing faulty test logic to adding new tests to cover new features. Frequent communication with cross-functional teams was key, especially the adjacent product and full-stack teams.

I also had the opportunity to work on several innovation projects - one aimed to add copy-and-paste functionality to Cypress, a currently unsupported feature. This had previously been a blocker for QA, as it was a common use case for our clients that had remained untested. The new feature has since been rolled out to existing tests — along with Typescript intellisense support to boot.

New Cypress clipboard commands being used in a test
Intellisense support for new custom copy and paste Cypress commands
Lighthouse - A New Journey

While I found success in the QA process, I also recently had the chance to embark on a project outside the scope of QA duties, marking the beginning of Lighthouse testing.

A quick rundown on Lighthouse: Google's Lighthouse is a tool that scores performance metrics for a website, including load time, accessibility, and best practices. Lighthouse generates performance reports with actionable recommendations for improvement, making it a great tool for developers as well.

As the company behind over 8.5M patients served using digital healthcare solutions, Verto was in need of a way to enforce accessibility and performance standards for our patient-facing solutions. This is where automated Lighthouse testing comes in.

Fast forward to April 2023, I successfully integrated scheduled Lighthouse tests into our patient-facing solutions to keep track of accessibility and performance metrics. In addition, I connected these tests to Verto's own Lighthouse server so that reports can be stored and performance trends can be monitored.

Google Lighthouse report for Verto Engage
Part of a Lighthouse report for Verto Engage

Over my amazing experience at Verto, I worked with the following frameworks and tools:

  • Cypress logo
  • Typescript logo
  • Jira logo
  • Lighthouse logo
  • GitHub Actions logo